About Us

Connexus Products, LLC is a company founded on the principles of love and connection.  The inspiration for my products comes from my 20+ years working as a child psychologist as well as from being the mom of boys.  Connexus is a Latin term meaning connected or joined.  My products are created with the goal of increasing effective parenting practices and keeping kids and parents connected during times when it can be easy to disconnect.   

Connexus Products are based on the principles of cognitive behavior therapy and mindfulness.  My vision is to simplify parenting in a way that helps us and our kids.  There are millions of parenting self-help books out there, but few if any hands-on parenting tools that are fun and effective.



Krista Ford, Psy D
Creator/Owner Connexus Products, LLC

"It's a transformative experience to simply pause instead of immediately filling up the space.  By waiting, we begin to connect with fundamental restlessness as well as fundamental spaciousness."  

-Pema Chodron